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Worship is the heart of our community. We gather every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Our worship style blends elements of traditional liturgy with fresh, creative approaches. While the basic order is the same every week, there are always moments that surprise. We also celebrate a variety of musical styles, from Bach on the organ to favorite old hymns to praise choruses and even pop music from time to time. 


You'll find St. Luke's informal and open, with a few people dressed in suits and dresses, a few people in jeans and t-shirts, and most people somewhere in between. Children are always welcome, just as they are.


What to Expect in Worship

Each week our service includes: a time of welcome and announcements, unison and responsive prayers, a children’s message, sharing of our joys and concerns, an anthem by the choir or other special music, one or two scripture readings, a sermon, an offering, and congregational singing of hymns. We have a bulletin each Sunday to help everyone follow along in the service, which includes our prayers, scripture readings, hymn numbers and announcements about activities at St. Luke’s. The pastor and a lay person (called a liturgist) lead the service together.


After worship, we enjoy a social time in our fellowship hall, where we can connect with old friends and meet new ones over a cup of coffee and some homemade treats. One Sunday each month, we celebrate Birthday Sunday, and salute those celebrating their birthday with cake for all.



We celebrate the Service of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month. Usually we have “pew communion,” where the congregation remains seated and passes individual pieces of bread and cups down the pews. From time to time, we will invite everyone to come to the front to be served. We always offer both wine and grape juice for Holy Communion. We believe that the communion table belongs to Jesus Christ, and there should be no barriers to coming to the table. Anyone is welcome to participate in communion, regardless of church membership status or any other factor.


Children in Church

Children are always welcome to be a part of our worship, but a nursery is also provided. The nursery is available throughout the service for all children under age 5. Elementary school children usually attend the first part of the service, then go to their own Sunday School classes after the children’s message.


Special Services

In addition to Sunday morning worship, we have additional services for special occasions such as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Our youth will also offer a Youth Sunday on regular basis. St. Luke’s participates in ecumenical services with our downtown church neighbors for the Blessing of the Animals, World Communion Sunday, weekly noontime Lenten services and a Community Thanksgiving Service.



Pastor Trish's past sermons are all available as podcasts here  on the church’s website. 


Upcoming sermon titles and scriptures are published in the monthly newsletter.  Take a look or a listen!

No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey,


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