St. Luke's
United Church of Christ
329 Walnut Street Jeffersonville, Indiana
Sunday Worship, 10:00 a.m.

Music Director
Neva-Marie Scott

Neva joined us as our music director in 2013. Neva’s focus as music director is inclusiveness and variety, seeking to draw upon the talents of our congregation and provide musical experiences that enrich worship for individuals of all ages. Neva is a trained pianist having studied the piano from the age of four. She is a native Louisvillian and graduate of the Youth Performing Arts School with a degree in Piano Performance. Following High School, Neva’s academic pursuits led her to other studies and eventually to the practice of law, which she continues today. Neva accompanies all worship services with music using the piano and pipe organ, leads the choir and coordinates all music programs. For more information about music programs, please contact Neva at music@stlukes.cc.
Alecia Simonis is a native of Jeffersonville and has been Church Administrator since June 2020.
She has been married to her husband, Tom, since 2000, and they have three children, Isaiah, Jonah, and Dara.
Alecia is active at First Presbyterian Church in Jeffersonville, and plays trumpet with the IUS Orchestra, IUS Concert Band, and KAMS Community Orchestra.
She is a graduate of Jeffersonville High School and Indiana University.

Carole Watson & Martha Frame
Martha Frame and Carole Watson have been lifelong members of St. Luke's, and they have been serving as the church's custodians for more than 15 years. They can usually be found caring for our building on Fridays, and volunteering in the kitchen during other church events. Carole and Martha also manage the kitchen during the Sausage Supper and Oktoberfest every year.