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We believe children are not just the future of the church, they are our present as well. Children bring joy and life to all of St. Luke’s events and activities.
























Children in Worship

Children are always welcome in worship at St. Luke’s. We make crayons and coloring books available at the back of the sanctuary every week, and the pastor offers a children’s message early in the worship service. Children also serve as acolytes every week, lighting the altar candles.


Sunday School

Our children’s Sunday School meets every week during the regular school year. Elementary school-aged children attend the first part of the worship service, until the children’s sermon, then depart for their own program. The children usually study a story from the Bible, play a game, make a craft or other activity.



We have a nursery available every Sunday for children age 5 and younger. Children are also always welcome to stay in worship with their parents.


Family Music Night

Family Music Night is held regularly on Wednesday evenings throughout the year with breaks that coincide with school vacation schedules and holidays.  Children of all ages are welcome for an hour of singing, playing chimes, making crafts, Bible story time, fun and laughter!  The children love this time to play and giggle while also learning about God’s love. 


Children’s Christmas Pageant

Each year, the children present a Christmas Pageant to the church during a Sunday morning worship service during December.  The children rehearse during Family Music Night the weeks leading up to Christmas.  Children and youth of all ages participate from the tiniest baby to high school students.  


Vacation Bible School

Every summer, St. Luke’s participates in the Ecumenical Vacation Bible School with our neighboring downtown churches. This program runs in the evenings and lasts one week, and is open to all children ages 4 through 5th grade. A team of leaders chooses a new theme each year. Past themes have included the rainforest, pirates, jungle and more.


Special Events

St. Luke’s organizes many special events for children throughout the year, including an Easter egg hunt, Halloween party, church picnic and more. The children also join in service projects such as Christmas caroling at local nursing homes. From time to time, St. Luke’s also offers special outings to Holiday World, bowling or other activities.


Church Camp

Merom Camp and Conference Center  is operated by the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ. St. Luke’s sends a group of campers to participate in the Faith Journeys camp every year. We believe church camp can be a transformative faith experience for young people, and an important opportunity to learn about Jesus and Christian life. For this reason, St. Luke’s has a commitment to paying for one-half of the camp fees for all of our children who wish to participate. Camp is open to children entering third grade and older.


Safe Church Policy

St. Luke’s is committed to following the safest practices for our children. All leaders and volunteers must complete a background check, and we follow guidelines and expectations in a Safe Church Policy to ensure a secure and nurturing environment for people of all ages.


No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey,


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