St. Luke's
United Church of Christ
329 Walnut Street Jeffersonville, Indiana
Sunday Worship, 10:00 a.m.
According to Matthew 25, to be a follower of Jesus is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, visit the prisoner, care for the sick and welcome the stranger. St. Luke’s believes this message of service to others is at the heart of the Christian life, and our church is engaged in a wide variety of service to the community and those in need.
Loaves and Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a weekly community meal founded in 1993 in partnership with other local congregations and housed at St. Luke’s. Every Saturday, groups volunteer to plan, prepare, serve and clean up a meal for 75-175 individuals who might not otherwise have a hot meal that day. Much more than a soup kitchen, Loaves and Fishes provides a sense of community and welcome to those who might not find welcome elsewhere. The weekly meal is served at 11:30 a.m. every Saturday in St. Luke’s Watson Hall.
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is a 12-step recovery program for those struggling with drug addiction. The program focuses on the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug. NA offers a way for addicts to life drug-free. Participants in the program testify that lives are changed by this ministry every week. Anyone is welcome to participate in the open meeting at St. Luke’s every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m.
St. Luke’s Knitters began in 1996 as a home-based knitting circle. When the group got too large, they moved to St. Luke’s, and have been a part of our ministry every since. They knit sweaters for children in need across the world through Knit for Kids. Since they began, the group has knitted over 1200 sweaters for children across the world. They meet every Tuesday at St. Luke’s from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and always welcome newcomers. If you don’t know how to knit, they’ll teach you!
St. Luke’s was a part of founding the Center for Lay Ministries in 1973. CLM serves the basic unmet needs of people through a food pantry, emergency assistance program, Bliss House residential recovery center, children’s meal program and more. St. Luke’s supports CLM ministries through a large annual gift of funds and monthly food drives to collect goods for the food pantry. Several church members also volunteer at CLM and serve on the Board of Directors.
Uspiritus (formerly Brooklawn) is a comprehensive, residential care, treatment and educational facility for emotionally troubled children. Founded by our United Church of Christ predecessors, Uspiritus offers care and compassion to hundreds of young people. St. Luke’s supports Brooklawn through participation in their fundraising events. Every Christmas, we purchase gifts for several residents, and we collect school supplies every fall.
Downtown Churches
Our location in downtown Jeffersonville situates us in the middle of a collection of churches, and we have formed a strong partnership for mission and ministry over the years. We sponsor several joint programs, including a Blessing of the Palms on Palm Sunday, Way of the Cross on Good Friday, Community Thanksgiving Service, joint weekly Lenten noontime services, Ecumenical Vacation Bible School, the Blessing of the Animals, Christmas gift bags for the Clark County Jail and a World Communion Service.
Our Church’s Wider Mission is the offering we make to support the work of the larger United Church of Christ. In addition to denominational leadership, OCWM changes lives by strengthening our ecumenical relationships and global partnerships, by imagining and embodying a better world through prophetic witness and work, and by providing resources and programs to nurture the vitality of our United Church of Christ congregations. St. Luke’s makes a significant annual gift to OCWM, and participates in several special offerings to support UCC disaster ministries, local and global mission work. These offerings include The Christmas Fund, Neighbors in Need and One Great Hour of Sharing.