St. Luke's
United Church of Christ
329 Walnut Street Jeffersonville, Indiana
Sunday Worship, 10:00 a.m.
Music of all styles are celebrated at St. Luke’s. Likewise, musicians of all types are welcome to participate in the music program. St. Luke’s congregation loves variety and enjoys worshiping God through all types of music in our worship services and other activities. Below is a listing of our musical programs. Newcomers and visitors are always welcome. For times of rehearsals, please consult the church calendar.
St. Luke’s Choir offers musical leadership in worship every Sunday. Their repertoire crosses a variety of genres from ancient to contemporary and from unison pieces to four-part harmony. Singers who are in high school and older of all voices and levels of experience are welcome to participate in the choir. Reading music is not a requirement.
St. Luke’s owns several octaves of handbells and hand chimes. If you can count to four, you can play handbells! Adults and youth (middle school and older) play handbells. Children (ages four and up) play chimes and sing together during Family Music Night which meets regularly on Wednesday evenings.
Family Music Night
Family Music Night is held regularly on Wednesday evenings throughout the year with breaks that coincide with school vacation schedules and holidays. Children of all ages are welcome for an hour of singing, playing chimes, making crafts, Bible story time, fun and laughter! The children love this time to play and giggle while also learning about God’s love.
St. Luke’s pipe organ was installed following the damaging flood of 1937. It has a newly refurbished Kilgen console and pipes from the original organ as well as other sources. It is featured on the site of the Southern Indiana Chapter of the American Guild of Organists here.
St. Luke’s Band
St. Luke’s Band leads our worship music on various Sundays during the year. The Band is comprised of musicians who enjoy music of all types but especially contemporary and praise worship music.
Children’s Christmas Pageant
Each year, the children present a Christmas Pageant to the church during a Sunday morning worship service during December. The children rehearse during Family Music Night the weeks leading up to Christmas. Children and youth of all ages participate from the tiniest baby to high school students.
Worship Instrumentalists
St. Luke’s is fortunate to be the home of many talented instrumentalists. Our instrumentalists participate in Sunday morning worship services at various times through the year and especially during Lent and Easter Seasons.
Coffee House
Coffee Houses are held four times annually. Like all St. Luke’s events, our Coffee House is open to the public. An open mic is offered for musicians, readers and poets to share their talents. We enjoy coffee, snacks and desserts of all kinds. Check the church calendar for the next Coffee House and come share your talent or sit back and enjoy the show. Guests are always welcome.